lacity_exploration 5 V.06| Zoning | Click on the legend to filter through the generalized zoning. Click on the map to highlight and identify the zone and all similar zones in the city with generalized regulations. Data from LA Dept of City Planning, Made by Omar Ureta.

The City Of LA is 468 square miles. 86% of the city is regulated by the city's zoning code, with 14% mostly just streets.

Click on the legend to filter through the generalized zoning. Click on the map to highlight and identify the zone and all similar zones in the city. Data from LA Dept of City Planning, Made by Omar Ureta

13.58% of LA is zoned Open Space
10.34% of LA is zoned Agricultural
30.10% of LA is zoned Single Family Residential
11.35% of LA is zoned Multifamily Residential
4.55% of LA is zoned Commercial
9.88% of LA is zoned Manufacturing
5.66% of LA is Zoned Public Facilities
0.47% of LA is zoned Parking
13.89% of LA is just streets